16 Aralık 2009 Çarşamba

Google AdSense

Google Adsense, Google's most important services, thanks to Google Adsense on their site biridir.Site owners run their Google ads, according to the ratio of clicks on Google's hit and you can get the money.

Two service before mixing;

* Google Adsense: Google's ad to receive
* Google Adwords: Google's advertising

In short, our results out of here Google Adsense publishers, Google Adwords advertising personnel will receive money from Google ads yayınlarlar.Google Adsense publishers, Google Adwords advertisers are paying Google hit in return.
If you have a web site, and from that site if you want to earn money immediately to the Google Adsense Page tıklayın.Yeni advertising publishers continue to be, but each site will be here I've made a rule not tabiki.Başvuru Google Adsense accounts are reviewed by editors, after appropriate information In such a case to refuse admission ederler.Tabiki your account in question.

There are various advertising options with Google AdSense. This option when it comes to advertising;

* AdSense for Content

This is the most popular ad seçeneğidir.Kullanıcıların ads section here seçer.Bu advanced options according to your preference vardır.Örneğin visual or both at the same time yayınlayabilirsiniz.Ya Text ads Text ads yayınlayabilirsiniz.Ayrıca can prepare for your own ads paletide.

Also here, when you click the 'Link unit' in the name of an ad with the option relevant to your site karşılaşacaksınız.Burası According to the Google AdSense links, click on these links gösterir.Ziyaretci content when compared with close to one another is an ad menu.

* AdSense for Search

This ad option Google's ads have done himself any olursunuz.Sitenizin instead of Google AdSense ads you this option when you run the code that Google will create a custom palette in your site and your site through a small ziyaretcilerinize Google Search Engine you create.

The ad with the option for Google Adwords no relevance yoktur.Tamamen within Google's own palette reklamıdır.Ve 'Google Custom Search' article Ziyaretcilerim encounters.

* AdSense for Feeds

This ad option basittir.Bir Adsense account you have quite the panel as you can see an 'RSS' icons on your page that means harder for people in between 'the site's simple interface, known as' uncommon in RSS advertising ekleyebilirsiniz.Pek is an advertising option.

* AdSense for Domain

Diyorki Google Adsense, the ads you want to add, earnings, and you want to an undeveloped area have a special place for you is simple göre.Burada there is a rule, only the area in 1500 after creating ekleyebilirsiniz.Alanlarınızı here Advertising executives are adding to our space and our own custom ad we are preparing.

Google Adsense Policies

Google AdSense is the most attention the rules 'user subsidies Etme'dir adverts. For example, ads next to, above or below the' Please Please click on the ad, 'If you do not click on the ad Üyeliğiniz No Active', 'Link to see Ad Click' ask eg direct writing Google AdSense ban is the reason.
Invalid Clicks Google AdSense publisher budur.Reklam One of the golden rule, with some tricks to earn more blood is not to cheat again and again has shown that başvurabilir.Google Adsense and cheating those banlamıştır.Amaç unquestioned, the money is to protect themselves and Adwords publishers.
Site Content: Google Adsense, Mp3, VVarez, adult sites Adult sites such as never vermez.Ancak advertisement of the ad here in the review takes very alır.En.
Ad Placement: New Google AdSense and the system automatically returns the following is engaged, a page 1 Adsense for search, 3 according to content and more Adsense must have already spontaneously appear.
These are the rules that Google AdSense is the most ignored, and these rules
will not be a problem if you apply.

I do not want ads on my site there, or have it in front of Adult Ads How do I go?

There are fine and do not want basittir.Google AdSense ad filter ads on your site göstermeyebilirsiniz.AdSense Installation, Competitive Ad Filter option you can add the URL of the advertiser and you do not want this change after 4-5 hours you do not want ads on your site will not appear again.

According to what we earn?

Each word by itself a value vardır.Google give Adwords advertisers that their ads in the price of the right to decide their content much sahiptir.Türkçe win so as not clearly known gerçek.Bu Turkey webmaster to set up English content Web Site One of the reasons for this.

Can I add more than one site?

Kanallar sekmesinde sitelerinizi ekleyebilirsiniz." onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">Yes eklerisiniz.AdSense Setup> Channels tab, you can add your site.

Golden Rule; 'right to export Address'
Google Adsense you during registration isteyecektir.Burada your home address you provide false information if your earnings geçmeyecektir.Buradaki your hand when it comes to reason, Google Adsense account activity in your home for gönderecektir.Burada a card PIN code, and this will be given a PIN code, bank account information along with if you add payments each month will be held .

Continuing to win 'One Way'

Google Adsense Diyorki be honest, unless continuous violation of the rules as it is known Google Adsense kazanırsınız.Ancak anyone the right to eat any time and every time has not implemented a strict and unfair rules of earnings has blocked.

Hit with plenty, plenty profitable day all of you.

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